title of three separate works that took on the same theme and imagery: the first was a photograph in 1970; the second a postcard sent to his friends and acquaintances later that year; and the third a t hree-minute film shot in 1971
conceptual short film as distance from the commercial Hollywood film
Cinema as ‘small’ art, as art mineur
“In the spirit of this provision, the French psychiatrist and philosopher Félix Guattari proposed in the mid-1970s to examine not characters and intrigues but ‘systèmes des intensités, des gestes, des reflets, des regards,’ paying attention, for example, to attitudes, sensations, changes in gravity, and spatial and temporal coordinates.” (Félix Guattari: Projet pour un film de Kafka. In: Ders.: Soixante-cinq rêves de Franz Kafka et d’autres textes, hg. von Stephane Nadaud, Paris 2007, S. 40–56, hier S. 43. Siehe auch Félix Guattari: Kino – eine kleine Kunst. In: Ders.: Die Couch des Armen. Die Kinotexte in der Diskussion, Berlin 2011, S. 147–152.