Public performance, Chemnitz, Jan, 2022
Rand Ibrahim

Photography: Leila Keivan
Could a person carry all the grief in the world?
Is that an exaggeration? An overrated dramatic scene?
One day you read in the news: a gang of rats ate an infant’s face
Then you look to the corner of the street and you see a child kicking a dog until he breaks every little rip in his chest.
“Women are still raped and dumped in trash containers”.
On another day, you can extract colorful fragments out of the belly of a smelly dead fish with rotten eyes, which was in the market for people to buy and eat.
There are many reasons to make you cry and burden you with grief and sorrow, not to mention the personal ones.
Sensitivity is a problem
Where did I learn that from?…
When did I learn that?

Photography: Leila Keivan
You were born sensitive; spend your first years crying over anything that does not suit your moody existence.
Your sensitivity contracts while you observe the behaviour of the maniac adults around you.
Your little size friends in school, those who were trained better
will make you realise you should preserve and keep your tears to yourself, just in case you want to survive the next day.
This time a kid will hit me and I will not cry,
I will hit back.
This time they will bomb us,
I will not cry.
I will survive.
It keeps going on until you understand, your tears are valuable, you should only shed them when it is necessary. I will save my tears for the worthy but I am thirty-years old now, and my tears cannot stop running metaphorically.